Eram un pic insigura necunoscand compania Autonom ,in schimb am avut parte de o experienta super pozitiva!!!personalul super disponibil atat la ridicare cat si la predate,autoturismul nou cu doar 2000km la bord.RECOMAND cu incredere!!!👋👋 (Translated by Google) I was a bit insecure not knowing the company Autonom, instead I had a super positive experience!!! the staff super available both for pick-up and drop-off, the car is new with only 2000km on board. I RECOMMEND it with confidence!!!👋👋
I really appreciate this car rental company more than ever!! I actually booked the Mercedes A class, for some reason it was no longer on their fleet. Instead of the Mercedes A class, I got an upgrade to the newest Mercedes C class C200 2022 without any extra fees. At the point I arrived, I was already feeling myself more than welcome here in Bucharest, Romania. Especially Diana, all thanks to her that everything went so smoothly. One of the days that I got stuck with a flat tire in Sibiu, because of a screw inside the wheel. Even though it was outside of Diana’s working hours, she was still the one who I was helped by and she did whatever it possible was for solutions with her colleagues from that location. The next day I had to go to Cluj Napoca, because the tire could not be fixed on time. They gave me a Volkswagen Touareg as a replacement car so I could still make it in time for the meeting there. Where afterwards after the tire was fixed we exchanged from cars again in Cluj Napoca. As this situation was quite inconvenient, they decided not to charge me for this damage where I couldn’t be more than happier about. I would definitely recommend this car rental company, the people there are so helpful with whatever you need!! Enough reasons to keep coming back here, can’t wait for my future rentals at Autonom!!
Foarte amabili,in 5 min m au luat de la aeroport ,totul a mers foarte bine, masina a fost foarte bună, fara probleme ,eu una îi recomand 🤗 (Translated by Google) Very kind, they picked me up from the airport in 5 minutes, everything went very well, the car was very good, no problems, I for one recommend them 🤗
(Translated by Google) Once again we are pleased with the service we have received from this car rental company. We have been with them for 6 years and they never disappoint us, each year is better. First of all, the attention we receive from the staff is amazing and they are very friendly. Secondly, as for the cars, all the cars are new and impressive. And finally, it should be noted that they may not be at the best price but the kindness and joy they overflow make it worth it. Without a doubt, 100% recommended (Original) Una vez más estamos agusto con el servicio que hemos recibido por parte de esta compañÃa de alquiler de coches. Llevamos con ellos 6 años y nunca nos defraudan, cada año es mejor. En primer lugar, la atención que recibimos por el personal es increÃble y son muy amables. En segundo lugar, en cuanto a los coches, todos los coches son nuevos y impresionantes. Y por último, cabe destacar que puede que no esten al mejor precio pero la amabilidad y la alegrÃa que desbordan hacen que merezca la pena. Sin duda, 100% recomendable
(Translated by Google) New vehicles and courteous service are found in almost every city in Romania The price is not the cheapest but the value is adequate If I come back to Romania again I will definitely rent through them (Original) ×¨×›×‘×™× ×—×“×©×™× ×•×©×™×¨×•×ª ×דיב × ×ž×¦××™× ×›×ž×¢×˜ בכל עיר ×‘×¨×•×ž× ×™×” המחיר ×œ× ×”×›×™ זול ×בל התמורה הולמת ×× ×חזור שוב ×œ×¨×•×ž× ×™×” ברור ש×שכור דרכ×
(Translated by Google) Excellent and reliable company with available and convenient service. Quick answers by email and available by phone. Excellent and reliable company with available and convenient service. Fast answers by email and available by phone. (Original) Excellent and reliable company with available and convenient service. Quick answers by email and available by phone. חברה ×ž×¦×•×™×™× ×ª ו××ž×™× ×” ×¢× ×©×™×¨×•×ª זמין ×•× ×•×—. תשובות מהירות במייל ×•×–×ž×™× ×•×ª בטלפון.
Very happy with the services provided and pleased to see this level of profesionalism. Had my reservation done from abroad and got the confirmation very fast. The team from Otopeni offered me lots of useful information and they were friendly and helpful. Got an almost brand new car that was well equipped for our safety and comfort (F1 tier). The car inspection was done in my favor and any initial tiny scratch was marked out to not have any issues at the drop-off. Then about 400 km away, the car was picked up directly from our house and inspected. The process was quick and transparent and I was provided with all the information I needed to not feel hassled. The report was filled in and the whole experience was quick and simple. Thank you Autonom!
Had some bad experiences with my rental: 1. I have requested a child seat which was not in the car. We had to drive to a location where I had "the option" to choose from 2 seats, 1 very dirty and another one. Both of the worst possible quality. So much for that choice. The seat came with no iso-fix base and on top of that I was told that I have to install it myself after watching "youtube tutorials". The child seat did not meet any safety requirements. 2. I received a Renault Megane which at first sight was very nice. 1 year old, 30k kms. Once I got on the highway and the speed reached ~90km/h, the car started to shake like crazy. This behaviour would not change unless I drove slower. 3. The attitude of the first person that picked us up and gave me the child seat was very bad. The rest of the staff I met were nice. LE: I was contacted about my review by a representative of the company. We had a nice discussion about my negative experiences. I appreciated this and it transmitted that the company cares about their clients.
(Translated by Google) Incredible attention, while other companies refused to give us a car, Autonom was the only one. Good price and good cars. Very good service, highly recommended! (Original) Una atención increíble, mientras otras compañías se negaban a darnos un coche,Autonom fue la única. Buen precio y buenos coches. Muy buen servicio, muy muy recomendable!
(Translated by Google) If I rent a car again in Romania, it will only be here! Although we were very spontaneous, we got a great offer. We drove from Brasov to Bucharest, with a stopover (i.e. 2 days). We got a BMW X3 for the route. Price was reasonable for the rental period and the type of car. We even got a discount because we spontaneously decided to rent a car again to Vama Veche after 4 days in Bucharest. Staff very friendly and helpful (Original) Wenn ich noch einmal ein Auto miete in Rumänien, dann nur hier! Obwohl wir sehr spontan waren haben wir ein super Angebot bekommen. Wir sind von Brasov nach Bukarest gefahren, mit einem Zwischenstop(also 2 Tage). Für die Strecke bekamen wir einen Bmw X3. Preis war für die Mietdauer und die Art des Wagens angemessen. Bekamen sogar einen Rabatt, da wir uns entschlossen haben spontan nach 4 Tagen bukarest erneut einen Wagen bis Vama Veche zu mieten. Personal sehr freundlich und hilfsbereit
Excellent customer service! My mom and I rented a car for our trip to Romania, and, we were extremely pleased with it. Not only that, but, on our last day in which we had to return the car, we arrived late for the flight, so they came to pick up the car. While I was waiting for the check in, I realized that I forgot my laptop and iPad in the car. I called Autonom, and Ionuț, the guy who worked that day, offered to the come back to the airport to give me the items. Thank you so much to the entire crew for making everything so much easier for us!
We came to Romania for 2 days and chose autonomy based on reviews we had seen. The representative when we picked the car up was very friendly and helpful. The car was in perfect condition and immaculately clean. On returning the car a rep from the company dropped us off at the airport. We will definitely use autonom again.
I am sure, this is only one company which takes debit card for car deposit. (Then the deposit is as the maximum excess). The original price is higher than in the other company (for A class 24 per day instead od 15 like in sixt company). I had no resercation. We did it after landing. The staff was nice, could speak english well and he gave us special price (20per day for A class car). In the terms is no hidden fees like in other companies. Unfotunately, I made a small scratch on front bumper. Then they charge me just for 150 instead of 300 (this amount was noted in the terms) beacause the scratch was small. I think thar other companies would charge me for full 300. They determined the amount in 2 business days, third day, the rest of deposit was back on my account (inbelievle for debit card...I can fully recommend the company. The amounts are in euro.
Autonom Rent a Car va ofera servicii de inchirieri masini in aeroportul International “Henri Coanda”, Otopeni.
Biroul de inchirieri masini Otopeni se afla in incinta aeroportului international "Henri Coanda", in terminalul de sosiri internationale, in zona destinata companiilor de rent a car din aeroport. Biroul este disponibil pentru inchirieri auto nonstop.
Flota Autonom cuprinde o gama variata de masini adaptate tuturor nevoilor dumneavoastra de transport. Pentru o calatorie scurta sau daca nu aveti multe bagaje si va deplasati in oras sau in apropierea acestuia, va recomandam inchirierea unei masini din categoria Small sau Economy: Toyota Aygo, Renault Clio, Dacia Logan. Ca si dimensiuni sunt potrivite pentru gasirea rapida a unui loc de parcare in Bucuresti si nu consuma mult in oras.
Daca v-ati programat un concediu in Romania si doriti sa explorati frumusetile din apropierea Bucurestiului, atunci cea mai potrivita varianta pentru inchirierea unui autoturism este o masina din urmatoarele clase: Compact, Intermediate sau Full Size. Masinile din clasa Compact precum Seat Toledo, Renault Captur sau Skoda Rapid necesita un buget redus si au un portbagaj incapator. Daca sunt necesari mai multi cai putere sau de un spatiu mai mare pentru pasageri, puteti inchiria un autoturism precum Skoda Octavia sau Volkswagen Jetta. Pentru un plus de comfort la drum lung puteti opta pentru inchirierea unei masini automate precum Opel Astra, Opel Insignia sau Volkswagen Passat.
Iar daca plecati la munte si aveti nevoie de tractiune 4x4, cu siguranta SUV-urile din flota Autonom va vor satisface asteptarile datorita gamei variate: Dacia Duster, Opel Antara, VW Tiguan sau Mercedes GLE sunt doar cateva din modelele disponibile in flota Autonom.
Anual, sute de mii de pasageri aterizeaza pe Aeroportul International Henri Coanda pentru un city break in Bucuresti sau pentru a vizita Romania.
Va intrebati ce puteti face intr-un weekend de 3 zile in Bucuresti? Iata recomandarile noastre:
Pentru a folosi la maxim timpul alocat vizitarii si pentru usurinta deplasarii va recomandam inchirierea unei masini pe perioada weekendului. Daca inchiriati de vineri dupa-amiaza pana luni dimineata, veti plati doar doua zile de inchiriere.
Autonom Services S.A
Cod de identificare fiscala RO18433260
Nr. ord. reg. com J27/280/2006
Activitate principală: Activităţi de închiriere şi leasing cu autoturisme şi autovehicule rutiere uşoare, clasa CAEN 7711
Sediu social: Str. Fermelor Nr. 4, Piatra Neamt
Sediu administrativ: Calea Floreasca, Nr. 131-137, Etaj 7, Sector 1, Bucuresti
Certificari: ISO 9001 11186 / 25.09.2017, ISO 140001 5758 / 07.07.2021, ISO 45001 3926 /
eliberate de SRAC CERT SRL
Autorizatia pentru efectuarea transportului de persoane în regim de închiriere ATPRI 0002822,
de Autoritatea Rutieră Română
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