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10€ 3000€

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The deposit / Guarantee represents your responsibility in case of damage or theft. It is blocked on a credit card at the time of pickup.

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Rent safe and conveniently. Prevention measures against COVID-19 in Autonom

Inchiriaza in siguranta si convenabil. Masuri de prevenire impotriva COVID-19 in Autonom

Intrucat prevenirea este cea mai buna si cea mai eficienta metoda de combatere a raspandirii virusului COVID-19 in acest moment, va aducem la cunostinta masurile pe care le-am luat in Autonom.

  • Dupa fiecare preluare/transfer, masinile sunt dezinfectate, acordandu-se o atentie deosebita tuturor manerelor, volanului, bordului, schimbatorului de viteze si portbagajului.
  • Dupa dezinfectare, fiecare masina de inchiriat ramane obligatoriu timp de minim 24 de ore in parcare, pentru neutralizare, inainte de a fi predata unui alt client.
  • Masinile preluate de la clienti in regimul D2D, sunt dezinfectate inainte de preluarea de la client si inca o data la sediul Autonom, inainte de predare. Ulterior, recomandam ca masinile sa ramana neutilizate de catre client timp de 24 h de la predare.
  • Toate cheile masinilor, precum si documentele auto, sunt dezinfectate si neutralizate inainte de a ajunge la urmatorul client.
  • Soferii nostri au primit numeroase informari precum si mijloace de protectie (dezinfectant pentru suprafete, servetele si dezinfectant pentru maini atat pentru ei cat si pentru pasageri, masti de protectie).
  • Pentru prevenirea raspandirii virusului, majoritatea colegilor nostri care pot lucra de acasa fac deja asta, asigurand continuitatea normala a operatiunilor.
  • Colegii din agentii vor purta de fiecare data manusi chirurgicale noi in gestionarea masinilor si vor pastra distanta sociala necesara in interactiunea cu clientii.

Vom continua sa monitorizam situatia, precum si sa respectam toate recomandarile emise de autoritatile de sanatate publica ca dumneavoastra dar si colegii nostri sa fiti in siguranta. In cazul in care exista modificari ale modului in care agentiile Autonom functioneaza vom reveni cu actualizari.

Rent safe and conveniently. Prevention measures against COVID-19 in Autonom

Seeing as prevention is the best method at this moment to fight the spread of COVID-19 we would like to inform you about the safety measures we have implemented in Autonom.

  • After each drop-off or passenger transfer our cars are disinfected, paying particular attention to every door handle, steering wheel, dashboard, gear shifter and trunk.
  • After disinfecting, each rental car will stay in the parking lot for a period of 24 hours for neutralization, before being handed to another client.
  • The cars picked up from D2D clients are disinfected before pick-up and once more at the Autonom agency before delivery. We further recommend that the car remains unused by the client for at least 24h after delivery.
  • All our car keys and documents are disinfected and neutralized before any pick-up.
  • Our colleagues have received multiple notices as well as means of protection (surface disinfectant, tissues and hand sanitizers as for them and for clients, face masks).
  • To prevent the spread of the virus, most of our colleagues that can work from home are already doing so, ensuring a normal operational continuity.
  • Our colleagues in the agencies will wear new surgical gloves each time they handle a new car and will maintain the necessary distance in their relationship with customers.

We will continue to monitor the situation and respect all recommendations issued by public health authorities so that you as well as our colleagues are kept safe. We will issue updates if Autonom agencies will change the way they operate.

Important information

For rentals abroad, special conditions apply. Read on for more details::

  • 400km/day - mileage limit
  • The deposit is double, the amount varies between 1000€ and 5000€.
  • The fee for obtaining documents for crossing the border is between 50€ and 100€.
  • The basic rates are higher by 15€/day.

Ask our colleagues about damage protection..

Important information

For drivers between the ages of 18 and 25, a fee between €100 and €300 will apply depending on driving experience.

Terms & Conditions


Contract – includes the information from the following documents: Rent Contract, Terms and Conditions of Rent, Delivery-Reception Chart and all the specifications from the Annexes to the Contract.

Car / Vehicle – represents the vehicle offered for rent along with all its accessories.

Price List – represents the price for one day of rent (24 h) corresponding to the rented vehicle.

Fuel – may be gas or diesel, according to the type of the rented vehicle.

Client - the person who signs the Rental Agreement.

Annexes - additional documents to the Rental Agreement.

Delivery-Reception Chart – the document where is noted the state of the vehicle both at delivery and at takeover.

Damage Cost Grid – the list of costs related to each car class depending on the location and nature of the damage.

User – the person mentioned in the Contract, who can drive the vehicle rented by the Client.

Partner – legal person intermediating the renting between Autonom and the Client.

SCDW / SCDW+ - the tax for the decrease of responsibility in case of damage or theft, explained in detail in chapter 4.



The contracting clauses include the information from the following documents: Rent Contract, Terms and Conditions of Rent, Delivery-Reception Chart, grid of costs for damages and all the specifications from the Annexes to the Contract.

These hereby conditions are binding and must be complied with in order to rent a vehicle from Autonom by Romanian or foreign individual/ legal entity.

The prices include VAT.


1. Liabilities of Autonom

1.1. To submit to the Client the right of use upon the vehicle subject matter of the Contract through: the delivery of the vehicle, the completion and signing of the delivery-reception chart, the handing over of the keys and documents of the car (matriculation certificate, RCA insurance policy) in original.

1.2. To provide the road support to the Client, on the territory of Romania, during the Contract, 24h/24, 7 days/7 in case of accident or mechanical failure (technical failure). Autonom is not responsible for the tire repair in case of failure.

1.3. To replace the vehicle (if available), in case of failure which cannot be remedied on the spot, if the damage did not occur from the Client’s fault, within 24 hours, according to the location where the failure occurred. In case in which the damage is due to the Client’s fault, the blocking of a new guarantee for the delivery of a new vehicle will be requested.

1.4. In case in which it is impossible for Autonom to replace the Vehicle, the Client will be reimbursed the part corresponding to the cost of the rate calculated pro rata with the term in which the vehicle could not have been used.

1.5. Autonom is not responsible for the losses borne by the Client in case of malfunction or failure of the vehicle, save the costs authorized by Autonom for the repairs.

1.6. From the time of delivery of the vehicle and until the recovery of its possession, Autonom is exonerated of responsibility for the damages caused in traffic by the vehicle rented to the Client, along with the road taxes or bridge taxes or fines resulted from the abusive occupation of a parking lot, failure to comply with the traffic laws or the laws in Romania.

1.7. Through the issuance of the receipt for completion and cancellation of the preauthorized deposits, Autonom is relieved from the unavailability of the amounts from the Client’s accounts and recommends the contacting and presentation of the receipts to the bank where the Client is holding the card.


2. Client’s Liabilities


Provided a reservation made by phone, e-mail or by partners, the reservation can be cancelled by Autonom, without owing anything to the Client or to the intermediate, in case in which the final Client does not fulfil the minimally binding requirements for rent provided by the contract and published on the website of Autonom.

2.1. To be the owner of a valid national and/or international driving license (international mandatory driving license for documents issued in countries with another handwriting than the Latin alphabet and for those obtained by driving cars with the wheel on the right side, for example: the UK, India, Australia, Japan). On the signing of the Contract, the driving license must be presented in original along with a document of identity and credit card. The use of the credit card is mandatory for blocking the deposit. The pre-pay or Diners Club cards are not accepted. You can use fintech cards (Revolut, Monese, N26 etc.) to pay for our services, but not for blocking the deposit.

2.2. For young drives with experience between 0-1 year, and for drivers over 70 years old, an additional tax of 15€/day will apply, and the damage deposit will be between 1200 and 3000€ depending on the rented car class. The deposit cannot be reduced with SCDW or SCDW+, and Autonom has the right to rent only certain types of cars.

2.3. In case of the confirmed reservations, Autonom reserves its right to cancel them in case the Client is delaying the taking over of the vehicle over 3 hours from the hour established by mutual agreement, unless the Client informs in advance.

2.4. To permit the driving of the vehicle only to the persons authorized by Autonom and mentioned in the Contract, or to the representatives of Autonom.

2.5. The tax for the additional drivers will be of 15 €/user. For their registration in the Contract, they accept the fact that they must fulfil the renting conditions of Autonom.

2.6. Not to drive the vehicle outside the road, on unpaved, non-asphalted roads, closed to the public traffic. Otherwise, Autonom will receive the value of the repair, irrespective of the type of the guarantee chosen by the client (including the SCDW/SCDW+ tax), from the guarantee or will debit the debit/credit card of the customer presented on the signing of the contract, under prior notification.

2.7. Not to do and not to permit doing technical or aesthetic intervention on the vehicle without the written agreement of Autonom.

2.8. To inform Autonom, on the latter’s request, related to the location of the vehicle and to permit the examination of the vehicle by the Autonom representatives, within mostly 24 hours from the latter’s request.

2.9. Not to use the vehicle for taxi driving, school for drivers, alternative transportation – ridesharing (ex: Uber, Bolt, Bla Bla Car etc.) pushing or towing activities, races, training, competitions, for the transportation of certain dangerous substances or illegal activities, which may damage the condition of the Vehicle, as well as not to give it any other destination than for person transportation under renting conditions. In case in which the rented vehicle is foreclosed or destroyed/damaged by the authorities or by the Client, after its use for the obtaining of certain improper benefits from the transportation of certain forbidden objects or substances, the Client is liable for the entire counter value of the vehicle.

2.10. The pets (such as: dogs, cats) can be transported in the vehicles of Autonom only in special boxes (cages, bags), closed during the trip. Otherwise, the same conditions mentioned at point 3.10 will be applied.

2.11. For the failure to comply with the provisions regarding the Client’s liabilities – provided in chapter 2 (save for point 2.1. – case in which Autonom is fully entitled to cancel the reservation unilaterally without the reimbursement of the amounts in case of received advance) the guarantee deposit will be fully received (including in case of the SCDW taxes).

2.12. The Client is liable to keep the vehicle in proper condition of use on the entire contracting term and to hand over the vehicle in the same condition as of the date of taking it over. In case of other damages caused to the vehicle during the contracting term, (including damages caused by the collision with animals or damages with unknown author), the client is liable to bear the costs of all the repairs necessary to return the vehicle to the condition on the date of its taking over. The reparation costs will be within the limits of the agreed deposit amount if the conditions specified in Chapter 7 were respected. In the case the procedures specified in Chapter 7 were not followed, the Client is responsible for the entire value of the repairs, the costs generated by the car's immobilization and down time.


3. Development of The Contract. Delivery, Replacement and Return of The Vehicle

3.1. The delivery and return of the vehicle will be in place, on the date and time established by the Client together with Autonom and mentioned in the reservation form and in the Contract.

3.2. The hand over and taking over of the car outside the schedule (from Monday to Friday 09:00-18:00) can be made on the client’s request. In this case, a tax of 10€ per hand over/take over will be perceived.

3.2.1. Damage or destruction to the wheels or tires results in the Client's obligation to pay a service fee of 50 € and the cost of repairing or replacing the damaged/ destroyed element.

3.2.2. Damage to the lower part of the vehicle, representing the elements under the car (oil bath, shield, exhaust, etc.) entails the Client's obligation to pay a service fee of 50 € and the cost of repairing or replacing the damaged/ destroyed element.

3.3. The return of the vehicle in another place than the place of it handing over will be made only under the agreement of Autonom and an additional fee between 30 € and 320 € will be perceived. In case in which the Client is requesting the return of the vehicle in another location subsequently to the taking over of the car, he will inform Autonom in writing or by calling at the non-stop support phone number +40 721 44 22 66. Autonom will have to give its agreement upon this contracting change, and the Client will pay the additional fee mentioned above, which will be informed in writing by Autonom, by text message or e-mail. The reception of the fee will be made on the return of the vehicle from the guarantee, in cash or by credit/debit card presented by the Client on the signing of the rent contract.

3.4. In case the Client is leaving the car to another agency than the one initially established through the contract, without announcing the change of the delivery location, he will pay an additional fee of 250 €.

3.5. On the return of the vehicle later than the deadline according to the contract, he will pay an additional tax of 10 € / hour, agreed through the contract. If the Client is delaying the delivery of the vehicle without the agreement of Autonom, the company is entitled to repossess the vehicle on the Client’s expense and risk.

3.6. The return is effective on the time of signing of the delivery chart by Autonom and by the Client.

3.7. For the vehicles returned outside the schedule (in weekend and/or during night-time) or during weather conditions preventing the verification of the car, the Client’s responsibility will be extended for possible damages and respectively the unblocking of the guarantees by 24 hours from the effective return of the vehicle. This also applies to the cases in which the vehicle is returned dirty and has to be washed prior to the verification.

3.8. The abandoning of the vehicle by the Client without notifying Autonom in writing or by calling at the non-stop support phone number +40721442266, without delivering the key to a representative of Autonom and without the bilateral signing of the taking over chart, will draw the Client\s responsibility for the costs corresponding to the relocation of the vehicle to the agency of its rent, and of other costs corresponding to the return of the vehicle to the initial condition in case in which the vehicle is taken over in other conditions than those of its handing over under the minutes. The same conditions are valid also in case in which the client refuses the handing over of the car.

3.9. The Client is liable to return the vehicle with the same amount of fuel it had at the beginning of the renting term (according to the delivery-reception chart). Otherwise, after the written notification from Autonom, the Client agrees to pay a fuel supply tax of 20 € and the counter value of the missing fuel, according to the fiscal ticket from the gas station. No credit is granted for the additional fuel than the initial amount supplied by Autonom.

3.10. On the delivery of the car to the Client, the cleaning condition of the car, both on the inside and on the outside, will be mentioned, the latter following to sign the minutes concerning such specification. In case in which the vehicle on return needs more than the standard washing procedure for returning it to the condition previous to the rent, the Client agrees to pay a management tax of 50 € to which the counter value of the car wash will be added, according to the invoice to be transmitted on e-mail.

3.11. The parking taxes during the delivery-reception of the vehicles, in another location than the one proposed by Autonom, as well as the parking on the entire term of use of the car rented from Autonom totally belong to the Client. The latter will bear all the taxes provided by the laws in force together with the cost of parking, both on the territory of Romania and in another states, the road tax, the bridge tax, the staying tax in airports or special spaces with limited time, fines resulted from the failure to comply with the traffic rules. In case of failure to pay those abovementioned, Autonom will pay the fines resulted from the failure of the Client to comply with his liabilities. Autonom will invoice the effective value of the fine to the Client plus a management tax of 50 €/fine.

3.12. The supply by the Client of the car rented from Autonom, with another fuel than the one indicated by the manufacturer (mentioned on the registration certificate and on the delivery-reception chart) draws the Client’s responsibility to pay a service tax of 50 €, the cost of the transportation with the platform, the cost corresponding to the days of immobilization in service, the repair cost according to the repair estimation note, as well as the corresponding resupply (including to the Clients who chose for SCDW/SCDW+).

3.13. The renting abroad needs the written approval of Autonom and are submitted to certain special conditions. There is a limit of 400 km/day (km driven both in the country and abroad), and for the exceeding of the limit of km, a tax of 0.09 €/km will be perceived. For the obtaining of the documents necessary to the transit of the borders there will be a tax of 50 €.

3.14. The guarantee deposit for the exit from the country is of at least 1200 € and mostly 5000 € and cannot be reduced with SCDW and SCDW+.

3.15. The travelling abroad is permitted only on the territory of the European Union and of the Economic European Space. In case in which this liability is breached, in case of a damage or theft, the Client will be responsible with the entire value of the car.

3.16. In case of malfunctions and/or road events, occurred abroad, the Client is liable, according to the contract signed on the delivery of the car, to return the care inside the Romanian territory, totally bearing the costs.

3.17. Autonom is renting a series of accessories together with the car, consisting in GPS, child seat, snow chains, Wi-Fi router according to the following prices:

  • GPS, 5 €/day;
  • child chair, 5 €/day;
  • snow chains, 3 €/day;
  • Wi-Fi router, 5 €/day.


3.18. In case of loss or deterioration of the keys, original documents, or car accessories, in case of loss of the parking chip or of loss of the plates by the Client, Autonom will receive from the Client the counter value of the damaged/lost objects at the price from the procurement invoice of each accessory, or at the value of the fine the Client must pay to which a management tax of 50 € is applied.

3.19. Autonom cannot be hold responsible for the possible objects forgotten in the Vehicle by the Client and unidentified on the delivery of the Vehicle.

3.20. Smoking in the cars of Autonom is strictly forbidden. Failure to do so, a tax of 50 € will be received, to which the counter value of the services for the car wash will be added.


4. Guarantee for Damages and Taxes for Its Decrease

4.1. The car is having the RCA insurance policy entered, according to the laws. RCA Insurance is an insurance through which faulted third parties receive compensations for material damages and/or bodily harm due to an accident caused by the insured driver.

4.2. The Client is choosing for one of the following guarantees and taxes for its discount on the signing of the Contract: Collision Damage Waiver (CDW), Theft Protection (TP), included in the price, to which Super Collision Damage Waiver (SCDW) or Super Cover Plus (SCDW +) can be added.

4.2.1. Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) is a franchise for failure (liability), also called Guarantee for damages (mentioned in the Public Prices), which can vary between 600 € and 3000 € according to the class of the vehicle mentioned in the Contract signed by the parties. The mandatory guarantee is submitted on the signing of the Contract, in part or in full, and will be retained by Autonom on a credit card. The deposit will be returned to the Client on the return of the vehicle (save the cases provided at point 4.3.).

4.2.2. Theft protection (TP) is a protection against theft which is meant to restrain the responsibility of the driver for the costs generated by the theft and attempt to robbery of the rented vehicle, within the limit of the guarantee corresponding to the class established in the rent contract. The protection against theft does not cover the personal items of the driver, these could be covered according to the traveling policies.

4.2.3. Super Collision Damage Waiver (SCDW) is a discount tax of the guarantee mentioned at point 4.2.1., whose daily price can be found in the Rent Contract. Through the payment of the SCDW tax, the Client’s responsibility in case of damages and / or theft for the rented vehicle is reduced from the value of the Guarantee mentioned above, at the value of 150 € for the classes A – G1, L – P, V0, 200 € for the V class and 300 € for the classes GP, P1, H, V1 – X to cover the possible additional costs, the exceptions being mentioned in Chapter 5 of this Contract.

4.2.4. Super Cover Plus (SCDW+) is a high tax of decrease of the guarantee totally removing the Client’s responsibility in case of accident and / or theft, the exceptions being mentioned in Chapter 5 of this Contract.

4.3. In case of choosing for CDW/SCDW the Guarantee (franchise) for damages is to be invoiced by Autonom to the Client under the following conditions:

  1. Damages (accidents) caused to the rented vehicle, observed by the competent authorities of the Police, as being by the fault of the Client or with unknown author (including the case in which the car is found damaged or vandalized in the parking lot).
  2. The theft of the rented vehicle.
  3. As well as in case of any other exclusion from the insurance policies and of the damage chart, part of the terms and conditions.


5. Exclusions from Guarantee for Damages and Taxes for Its Decrease

Irrespective of the tax paid for the decrease of the guarantee for which the Client has chosen, he become responsible and is liable for the repairing and the payment of the collateral damages under the following situations:

  • Failure to comply with the provisions of Chapter 2;
  • Missing fuel, in amount of 20 €, representing the supply tax + the corresponding ticket (art. 3.9);
  • The loss of the car’s documents / key / accessories (article 3.18);
  • Damage of the hub: excessive dirt, staining of the seats or their damage (art. 3.10);
  • Damaging of the inferior part of the vehicle, representing the elements under the car: shield, exhaust pipe, oil sump etc. (art. 3.2.2);
  • Wrong fuel supply of the vehicle (art. 3.12);
  • Deterioration of the rims or tires (art. 3.2.1);
  • Partial or total deterioration caused because of smoking inside the car and/or during its location nearby flammable environments (art. 3.20).


6. Payment of The Services

6.1. The Client is paying in full, on the signing of the Contract, the rent (of the car and of the options he is renting), the tax for the decrease of the guarantee (if he chose one) and the possible taxes established through the minutes.

6.2. The invoicing in RON shall be made at the BNR exchange rate from the signing day of the Contract.

6.3. The payment of the rent shall be made by credit card, debit card (Visa, MasterCard or American Express) or in cash, without accepting the pre-pay, Diners Club cards. You can use fintech cards (Revolut, Monese, N26 etc.) to pay for our services, but not for blocking the deposit.

6.4. The prices do not include: the costs of the fuel, the road taxers save the road vignette for Romania, which is included in the rent price, the fines received for the breach of the traffic rules on the public roads and of the national laws in force or costs resulted after the actions of the Local Authorities related to the Vehicle subject matter of this Contract, during the renting. The total payment of such amounts belongs to the Client.

6.5. The Client must pay the total of the remained liabilities, according to the Contract, on the handing over of the vehicle, under the payment document issued by Autonom.

6.6. Any amount unpaid by the Client to Autonom by the end of the Contract, as well as any other amounts subsequently occurred (cost of extension of the renting time, fines, penalties, etc.) of repair costs of the vehicle as a result of the damages caused during the contracting time, according to the provisions of the article 2.11., can be received by Autonom from the credit card of the Client, with prior written summons. Any value received without the appearance of the Client, under the latter’s agreement through the signing of the current conditions, is ending with the sending of an e-mail by Autonom including the receipts corresponding to the payment.

6.7. In case of delay of payment, over the term mentioned in the Contract, penalties in amount of 1% per each delay day from the value of the due amount may be received.

6.8. In case of the anticipated return of the vehicle, the Customer will be refunded the value of the services paid in advance, recalculated according to daily price changes. The refund can be made in cash or through a 12-month valid voucher in the Autonom's network.

6.8.1. The voucher can be used to reduce the value of the future rental. To use it, the customer must mention by phone or email that he owns such a voucher and present it at the counter (in physical or electronic format) when picking-up the car. The voucher can be used at any of the Autonom agencies in Romania and can be combined with other valid offers. Also, the voucher can be offered as a gift.

6.9. The guarantee provided in article 4 is returned by the end of the contracting time, within mostly 30 days from the date of signing of the delivery chart by Autonom and by the Client. Autonom is not responsible for the delays in the return of the guarantee caused by external factors as well as delays of the bank institutions, strike, blocking of Client's accounts etc.


7. Procedure in Case of Damages:

7.1. The Client is liable to inform Autonom immediately related to any newly discovered damage to the rented vehicle.

7.2. If the damage is having unknown author, the Client is liable to obtain, before the return of the car, the Repair Authorization from the Police Authorities.

7.3. If the accident occurred due to the Client’s fault, and 2 cars were involved, he is having the following liabilities:

7.3.1. The completion of the amiable ascertainment form if the two drivers acknowledge the fault.

7.3.2. The Minutes + the Repair Authorization obtained from the Police Authorities in case in which the two drivers do not agree upon amiably.

7.4. If the accident did not occur due to the Client’s fault, and 2 cars were involved, he is having the following liabilities:

7.4.1. The completion of the amiable ascertainment form if the 2 drivers acknowledge the fault, an RCA copy of the guilty driver, copy of the registration certificate of the guilty driver, copy of the IC of the guilty driver, copy of the Driving License of the guilty driver.

7.4.2. In case in which the two drivers do not agree upon amiably, the following will be necessary, the copy of the RCA of the guilty driver, the Minutes and the Repair Authorization obtained from the Police Authorities.

7.5. If more than 2 cars were involved in the accident, or body injuries resulted from the accident, the Client is liable to contact the Police Authorities for the obtaining of the Minutes and of the Repair Authorization.

7.6. In case of an accident in which an animal was hit, the client is liable to inform the Police Authorities as soon as the accident occurred.

7.7. In all the previously mentioned cases, the Client is liable to verify the correct completion both of the Amiable Ascertainment form and of the Repair Authorization and of the Minutes issued by the Police Authorities.

7.8. In case of failure to comply with the procedure in case of damage, the Client is responsible with the entire value of the repairs, of the immobilization costs and of the costs generated by the lack of use of the car.

7.9. Any new damages, including minor damages or scratches, that occurred during the car rental period will be billed according to the damage cost chart included in the Rental Contract.

7.10. In case the damage deposit is only partially retained on the credit card, for a lower amount than those mentioned at art. 4.2.1, if the car is returned with a new damage which requires repairs, Autonom will block the rest of the deposit on the client’s credit card when the client returns the car if it is returned to an Autonom representative, after which the sum will remain retained until the repair estimate will be issued by an authorized repair shop. In case the repair costs are greater than the retained deposit, the client does not have the right to receive any refunds from the retained deposit. In care the repair costs are lower than the retained deposit, the clients will be refunded the rest of the sum. If the car is returned outside business hours or in any other circumstances in which the car is dropped off to a non-representative of Autonom’s company, after the repair estimate is issued, an invoice will be issued for the difference between the total amount of the repairs and the retained sum of the deposit. The invoice must be paid in a maximum of 10 days from receiving it. In case of delayed payment, there will be penalties of 1% per day.


8. Extension, Cessation and Termination of The Contract

8.1. The terms of the extension, of the cessation or of the anticipated termination of the Contract cannot be established unless under the agreement of Autonom.

8.2. The intention of the Client to extend the Contract is informed to Autonom, at least 24 hours before the expiration of the Contract. The price agreed is paid in the same conditions in which the initial contract was signed, within mostly 24 hours from the beginning of the term of extension. The contract may be extended under the written agreement of both parties.

8.3. The contract is ceasing by right at the end of the term of rent.

8.4. The contract may be ended before the fulfilment of the term through the agreement of the parties or as an effect of the termination.

8.5. In case in which Autonom is terminating the Contract, it will inform the Client by phone, by facsimile or by electronic mail,

8.6. Both in case of cessation of the contract before the term and in case of termination, the Client is liable to hand over the vehicle within 12 hours from the time of termination.


9. Final Provisions

9.1. The client is put in delay by right for all the liabilities assumed in the Contract and failed to be complied with as such on term.

9.2. Any dispute arising from or related to this Agreement will be solved amiably first and only in case of failure, the parties will address to the competent law courts in Bucharest.

9.3. For any dispute, this hereby Contract is a proof.


Privacy & Cookies

                                                                                                                                                   PRIVACY POLICY


1. Who are we?

AUTONOM SERVICES S.A. (hereinafter referred to as “Autonom” or “Controller”), attaches great importance to your personal data, constantly taking the necessary steps to ensure that the data processing carried out by it complies with the legal requirements in this area. To this end, we have developed this Privacy Policy, by which we undertake to respect the confidentiality of your personal data and by which we explain to you what categories of personal data Autonom processes, how that data is used, and for what purposes it is processed.

This Policy relates only to the personal data that we process through our website  (hereinafter referred to as the "Site" or "Platform"), in the context of your interaction with it by renting the vehicles presented on the site, by filling out the forms available on the site, when you are simply browsing the site or when you are communicating with the Controller (e.g. via inbound or outbound telephone calls, by signing up to the newsletter as to receive messages of the marketing sort, etc.). We want to assure you that we have taken all necessary measures to ensure the confidentiality of your data, which is processed only by the Controller's staff and collaborators who have been previously trained and authorized to process personal data and who respect firm confidentiality commitments.

Your data is processed by AUTONOM SERVICES S.A. in a safe manner. In this regard, the Controller has implemented various technical and organizational measures fit to protect personal data against incidents such as: destruction, loss, modifications be they accidental or illegal, use, leaks or unauthorized access, especially when data processing implies sending of data via a network and against any other form of illegal processing.

To get to ‘know’ us virtually, we provide you our identification data.

The Controller that processes your personal data when you browse or interact with the online platform is AUTONOM SERVICES S.A., with headquarters in Piatra Neam?, str. Fermelor No. 4, Neam? County, with UIC 18433260, registered in the National Trade Register Office under no. J27/280/2006.

For any questions/ queries pertaining to the protection of personal data, you are invited to send a request to the person in charge with data protection designated at Autonom, at the postal address aforementioned or at the e-mail address Data subjects sending such requests to Autonom via e-mail/ mail are requested to mention in the subject line of the email/ mailing envelope information such as "data protection", "GDPR" or "personal data", in order to ensure that requests will be treated with priority.

As a data subject, you will receive a response within a maximum of 30 days from the communication of the document to Autonom. An extension of this deadline can only operate in exceptional situations. In these cases, we assure you that you will be duly informed of this deadline.

2. Definitions

  • „Personal data” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (data subject). An identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier or to one of more factors specific to the physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.

! For the purposes of this policy, personal data that will be subject to processing may relate to: name, surname, telephone number, e-mail address, etc., as described below.

  • „Personal data processing” means any operation or set of operations which is performed on personal data, regardless of whether it is done by automated means or not, such as: collection, recording, organization, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.

! For the purposes of this policy, data processing refers to those processing operations carried out at the time of your navigation on the website or your interaction with it by renting the vehicles provided by Autonom, by completing the forms available on the Platform or by subscribing to the Controller’s newsletter, or by accepting cookies other than those absolutely necessary (essential).

  •  „Controller” means the person which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data.

! For the sake of clarity, for the purposes of this Privacy Policy, the Personal Data Controller is represented by AUTONOM SERVICES S.A.

  • „Data subject” represents the person whose personal data is being processed.

! For the purposes of this Policy, the data subject is the Internet user who browses on or interacts with Site. This includes the situations in which a car is rented from Autonom.

  • „Consent” of the data subject means any freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous indication of the data subject’s wishes by which he or she, by a statement or by a clear affirmative action, signifies agreement to the processing of personal data relating to him or her.

! The data processing carried out through the Platform and based on the legal basis of the consent is exclusively for the purpose of subscribing to the newsletter, i.e. accepting cookies other than the necessary (essential) ones, as highlighted in the cookie pop-up.

  • „Third party” means a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or body other than the data subject, controller, processor and persons who, under the direct authority of the controller or processor, are authorized to process personal data.

  • „Processor” means a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which processes personal data on behalf of the controller.

3. What types of personal data do we process?

Your browsing and interaction with the Site involves the processing of two categories of personal data, namely:

        a.personal data that you disclose to the Controller on a voluntary basis (e.g. via the contact form, in the case of a newsletter subscription, when renting a vehicle through the site or when soliciting a rental offer, etc.), which are collected on an individual basis; that you provide involuntarily, simply by browsing our website.

The users are properly informed regarding the processing of data when they provide their data to the Controller via the forms present on the site, as such Autonom fulfills its legal obligation of informing the users.

Autonom collects, on the basis of the voluntary provision of the data subject, the following personal data:

A. When soliciting a personalized offer for the rental of vehicles

  • Name and surname;

  • Phone number;

  • E-mail address;

  • Any other data provided by filling the form in order to obtain a personalized rental offer (in the section intitled ‘Other observations’).


B. When soliciting the rental of a vehicle

  • Name and surname;

  • E-mail address;

  • Phone number;

  • Any other data provided by filling the form in order to obtain a personalized rental offer (in the section intitled ‘Other observations’).


C. When completing the contact form

  • Name and surname;

  • E-mail address;

  • Phone number;

  • Any other data provided by filling the form in order to obtain a personalized rental offer (in the section intitled ‘Other observations’).


D. When conversing via inbound and/or outbound phone calls

  • Your voice;

  • Phone number;

  • Any other personal data that the data subject provides during a phone call, which may include:

    • Name and surname;

    • E-mail address etc.


E. When obtaining additional information via e-mail or Whatsapp

  • E-mail address;

  • Name and surname (which may indirectly result from the e-mail address if its composition is as such:;

  • Phone number;

  • Any other sort of data that you provide the Controller with.


F. When subscribing to the newsletter

In order to subscribe to our newsletter, you must give your consent for the purpose of receiving messages of commercial or marketing nature from Autonom. In such cases, the following personal data will be processed:

  • E-mail address;

  • Name and surname (which may indirectly result from the e-mail address if its composition is as such:


G. When applying for a job, in the ‘Career’ section

  • Name and surname;

  • Phone number;

  • E-mail address;

  • Information present in the CV (e.g. age, studies, professional experience, image, etc.)

  • Information present on the personal LinkedIn page, if you choose to provide the Controller with it;

  • Any other information that you provide the Controller with when completing the box entitled ‘Message’.

The Controller also processes marketing and communication data only on the basis of prior consent of the users, as well as technical data and browsing actions by means of cookies and similar technologies. You can access our Cookie Policy, available at the footer of the Platform.

! N.B. Autonom has entered into data processing agreements with its service providers (e.g. online administration systems, online legal services etc.), however it is not held liable for the data processing done by these providers in their own name. Whenever they process data as independent controllers, the data subject will be informed properly regarding the processing that presupposes a transfer of data in-between Autonom and any society that furnishes services towards the Processor.

Your personal data may be disclosed by Autonom for processing or to designated data processors, including contractual partners, financial authorities and institutions, courts or competent bodies, at their request and for the purpose of providing the services offered by the Controller.

Autonom may store your personal data even after registering a request for deletion of such data, if the storage is for one of the following purposes, provided for in Article 17 of the GDPR, respectively:

       a.for the performance of a contract;

       b.for compliance with a legal obligation which requires processing by Union or Member State law to which the Controller is subject;

       c.for exercising the right of freedom of expression and information;

       d.for protecting the vital interests of the data subject;

       e.for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest;

       f.for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes;

       g.for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the Controller or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject which require protection of personal data, in particular where the data subject is a child;

       h.for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

4. For what purpose and on what legal grounds do we process personal data?

Autonom processes your personal data for the following purposes and on the following legal grounds:

       a. processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract (art. 6, para. (1), let. b) of Regulation (EU) no. 679/ 2016 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 april 2016), for the purpose of ensuring the data subject's access to the services made available through the Platform and the conclusion of the distance car rental contract. If you do not provide us with the data necessary for entering into a rental contract of vehicles from Autonom, we inform you that the Controller will not be able to proceed with the conclusion of this contract.

This basis of processing is also used in the case of submitting your application in order to conclude an individual employment contract with Autonom.

       b. the data subject has given consent to the processing of his or her personal data (art. 6, para. (1), let. a) of Regulation (EU) no. 679/ 2016 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 april 2016), in the case of the transmission of commercial and marketing communications or the acceptance of cookies that are not necessary; 

       c. processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the Controller (art. 6, para. (1), let. f) of Regulation (EU) no. 679/ 2016 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 april 2016), in order to be able to provide accurate information and to solve problems of any nature related to the content of the website or the services offered by the Controller, as well as for actions involving interaction with the online platform;

       d. the processing is necessary for the fulfillment a legal obligation (e.g. tax obligation) incumbent on the Controller – art. 6, para. (1), let. c) of the Regulation (EU) no. 679/2016 of The European Parliament and Council of 27 April 2016). In the event that you will not provide us your data necessary for invoicing, we inform you that Autonom will not be able to proceed with the conclusion of the vehicle rental contract and will not be able to honor your request.

Your personal data will be processed so that the Controller can:

       a. improve the website and the services provided through it;

       b. determine the usefulness/popularity of the web content presented on the Site;

       c. send technical, support or administrative notifications;

       d. honor requests and resolve complaints received from users;

       e. facilitate user access to the services offered by Autonom;

       f. communicate information of interest to users of the site;

       g. protect the Controller's rights;

5. The duration of processing personal data

Personal data processed at the level of the Controller through the website are retained for a reasonable period of time in relation to the purpose of data processing, in accordance with the legal provisions on data archiving. The Controller respects the data archiving deadlines required by law.

In regards to the data obtained through inbound and outbound phone calls, these will not be kept by the Controller. Phone calls are not registered. Notwithstanding, the data obtained during phone calls that is necessary, for example, for billing and honoring contractual obligations or to solve any disagreement may be held in storage for the duration of 30 days. They will be kept in conformity with the legal imperatives relevant to the archiving of data.

Data processed as a result of your subscription to the newsletter will be processed by the Controller only until you withdraw your consent for processing in accordance with the Newsletter Subscription Policy.

6. Transfer of personal data

Your data is processed on the territory of the European Union through secure internal servers. However, by means of plugins specific to social networks (e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.), as third-party recipients of the data, it is possible that your data processed in this context may also be transferred outside the European Union/European Economic Area and stored on servers in third countries. In this regard, the Controller has implemented a number of necessary and appropriate measures to ensure that the data is processed accordingly.

The Controller undertakes that the data collected will only be processed in accordance with the stated purposes and will not make public, sell, rent, license, transfer, etc. unauthorized databases containing information on the data subjects to any third party not involved in the fulfilment of the stated purposes, unless the transfer/access/viewing etc. is requested by the competent authorities in cases provided for by the regulations in force at the time of the event.

It is possible that your data will be disclosed to other companies that provide services to us and act as our authorized persons, such as suppliers providing website maintenance, IT, legal etc. services. Furthermore, we may transfer your data to the following: entities executing activities of debt collection or vehicle collection, providers of roadside assistance services etc.

These entities are selected with great care to ensure that they comply with specific personal data protection requirements. They have a limited ability to use your information for purposes other than providing services to us.

In addition to the disclosures described in this Privacy Policy, we may disclose information to third parties to whom you consent or request that we make such a disclosure.

7. Links, hyperlinks, third-party sites

The website may contain links to third party sites that may collect your personal data, including through cookies or other technologies.

If you link to a third-party website, this Privacy Policy will not apply to your use of that website.

8. What are your rights as a data subject?

Any natural person browsing our website, as a data subject, has the following rights in relation to Autonom, as a Personal Data Controller:

  • Right of access means the right of the data subject to obtain confirmation from the Controller as to whether or not the Controller is processing personal data relating to him or her and, where that is the case, access to the personal data and to information of how the data is processed.

  •  Right to rectification refers to the rectification, without undue delay, of inaccurate personal data processed or to their completion if they are incomplete. They can be amended by sending an e-mail to:

  • Right to erasure („right to be forgotten”) means the right of the data subject to obtain from the controller the erasure of personal data concerning him or her, without undue delay, where one of the following grounds applies: the personal data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed, the data subject withdraws consent on which the processing is based and where there is no other legal ground for the processing, objects to the processing and there are no overriding legitimate legal grounds for the processing, the personal data have been unlawfully processed, the personal data have to be erased for compliance with a legal obligation in Union or Member State law to which the controller is subject, the personal data have been collected in relation to the offer of information society services.

  • Right to restriction of processing may be exercised if the data subject requests the restriction of the processing of his/her personal data, in which case they will be used strictly for the exercise of the data subject's other legal rights, including responding to any requests/complaints from the data subject.

  • Right to data portability means the right to receive personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable and the right to transmit those data to another, where the processing is based on consent or on a contract and is carried out by automated means, where technically feasible.

  • Right to object concerns the right of the data subject to object to the processing of personal data where the processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the legitimate interest of the Controller.

  • Right to not be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which produces legal effects concerning him or her or similarly significantly affects him or her. However, it will not be possible to exercise this right if the decision is necessary for the conclusion or performance of a contract between the data subject and the Controller, is authorised by the law applicable to the Controller, provided that the rights, freedoms and interests of the data subject are adequately protected or is based on the consent of the data subject obtained in compliance with applicable law.

  • Right to address the National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing. If the data subject considers that the above-mentioned rights have been infringed, he/she has the possibility to address the ANSPDCP by lodging a complaint.

The contact details of the ANSPDCP are as follows:

Address: Bucharest, 1st District, G-ral. Gheorghe Magheru Blvd. no. 28-30;

Telephone: 0.318.059.211/0.318.059.212; 

Fax: 0.318.059.602; 



In order to exercise the rights set out above, the data subject shall contact AUTONOM SERVICES S.A. by sending a request to the postal address: Piatra Neam?, str. Fermelor No. 4, Neam? County / e-mail address

9. Final provisions

If Autonom deems it necessary to change the privacy rules, the Controller will publish those changes to inform data subjects about the information it collects and how it uses it.

The provisions of the Privacy Policy are complemented by the provisions of the Cookie Policy and the Newsletter Subscription Policy, respectively, present on the website



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