Rent a car Cluj-Napoca - Rezervare rapida

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Rezervari 24/7 +40 749 15 10 28

Str. Inau 29B Cluj-Napoca - 400692

Brilliant service
Praise A
Praise A
a inchiriat in 2023-03-30

Alex Martin helped me a great amount when I had troubles with a flat tire in the middle of the night. He came out of his way to get me to a tire shop and stayed with me until the issue was resolved. He made sure my drive would not only be safe but done in a good time. He went above and beyond to make sure I got to where I needed to go. Amazing job Alex and exceptional customer service.
Cristian Faur
Cristian Faur
a inchiriat in 2023-03-25

In urma unui eveniment in trafic am ramas fara masina aprope o luna de zile timp cat a fost in service pentru reparatie. Autonom a venit cu solutia potrivita cu o masina la schimb pe toata durata cat nu am putut folosi masina personala. Servicii ireprosabile si profesioniste. Recomand cu incredere. Multumesc Bogdan Conea. (Translated by Google) Following a traffic incident, I was left without the car for about a month while it was in service for repairs. Autonom came up with the right solution with an exchange car for the entire time that I could not use my personal car. Impeccable and professional services. I recommend with confidence. Thank you Bogdan Conea.
Andrei Pop
Andrei Pop
a inchiriat in 2023-03-20

(Translated by Google) Recommended service, good treatment, Alex and Blad attended us, everything correct. They check the car with you before and after the trip. The deposit seemed very high to me, for what we are used to in Spain. (Original) Servicio recomendado, trato bueno, nos atendió Alex y Blad, todo correcto. Revisan el coche contigo antes y después del viaje. La fianza me pareció muy alta, para lo que estamos acostumbrados en España.
Oscar Bueno Pascual
Oscar Bueno Pascual
a inchiriat in 2023-03-04

Masini bune, livrare prompta! Recomand livrarea prin Bogdan Andrei Conea! (Mi-am uitat ochelarii de soare in masina predata, iar el mi i-a restituit) (Translated by Google) Good cars, prompt delivery! I recommend delivery through Bogdan Andrei Conea! (I left my sunglasses in the surrendered car, and he returned them to me)
Claudiu Florea
Claudiu Florea
a inchiriat in 2023-02-14

Am avut nevoie de o solutie urgenta de transport in regim cargo din strainatate si am apelat la serviciile lor. Spre surpriza mea, am gasit o echipa faina care a reactionat prompt si rapid la nevoile mele, oferindu-mi o solutie fiabila chiar si atunci cand orele la care s-au pertecut acestea nu au fost cele mai potrivite pentru intalniri de afaceri. Multumesc (Translated by Google) I needed an urgent cargo transport solution from abroad and I called on their services. To my surprise, I found a great team that reacted promptly and quickly to my needs, offering me a reliable solution even when the hours they fell on were not the most suitable for business meetings. Thank you
Florin Murexin
Florin Murexin
a inchiriat in 2023-02-03

Sunt multumit de fiecare daca cand folosesc servicile. Recomand cu incredere! (Translated by Google) I am satisfied with each and every time I use the services. I recommend with confidence!
Szocs Szilard
Szocs Szilard
a inchiriat in 2023-01-30

prompti, disponibili, flexibili pt situatii speciale. am primit masina superioara clasei rezervate, excelenta experienta! (Translated by Google) prompt, available, flexible for special situations. I received the car above the reserved class, excellent experience!
Edmond Foris
Edmond Foris
a inchiriat in 2023-01-05

Very good service, thank you so much.
Marita Mihai
Marita Mihai
a inchiriat in 2022-12-27

Am inchiriat de aici de mai multe ori si nu am avut probleme niciodata. Personalul a fost tot timpul foarte prietenos si de ajutor. (Translated by Google) I have rented from here several times and never had any problems. The staff was always very friendly and helpful.
Alexandru Sfat
Alexandru Sfat
a inchiriat in 2022-12-20

Nice people! I recommend with confidence !
Miron Mircea Eugen
Miron Mircea Eugen
a inchiriat in 2022-11-25

Recomand cu încredere, in urma unei daune totale la mașina, am contacta societate pentru o mașina de schimb. Am trimis actele necesare intr’o zi, a2a zi dimineața puteam sa ridic mașina se schimb. Rapid și profesional. (Translated by Google) I recommend with confidence, following a total damage to the car, we would contact the company for a replacement car. I sent the necessary documents in one day, the 2nd day in the morning I could pick up the car and change it. Fast and professional.
psyka psyk
psyka psyk
a inchiriat in 2022-11-02

I had to rent a car for my holiday in Romania. Autonom was the one that did not have any hidden fees or unexpected surprises. They have even recommended to bring it an hour earlier not to pay for an extra day. The process was smooth and I am highly recommending them. After returning the car they have unlocked the deposit quickly. The is a day and night service, I took my car at 2:30 am, just make sure you book it in advance. Feel free to contact me for any details, there is also a discount if you recommend other clients for both parties.
Viorel Panca
Viorel Panca
a inchiriat in 2022-11-02

Super buni. (Translated by Google) Super good.
Ciachi Mihai
Ciachi Mihai
a inchiriat in 2022-07-27

During the weekend I needed a car for a running competition in Rodnei Mountains. Autonom provided a Duster, which was great for my trip. The experience was wonderful and it helped me to win 2nd place. I recomand!
Vlad Pop Oficial
Vlad Pop Oficial
a inchiriat in 2022-07-05

Colaborare foarte buna cu personalul cu care am interactionat. Flota de masini este una foarte buna. Recomand cu mare drag. (Translated by Google) Very good collaboration with the staff I interacted with. The car fleet is a very good one. I highly recommend.
Flaviu Musat
Flaviu Musat
a inchiriat in 2022-06-30

I few days ago I rented a car from Autonome rent a car company. I highly recommend then. The car was clean without no problems. The help desc team is very kind and professional. When I picked up the car they came with me to evaluate the car ( scratches, bumps) not allot of rental company is doing the same thing. They usually just give you the keys and you have to inspect the car on your own if you do not want to run in to problems. If you are in Cluj you also have the opportunity to get the car direcly at your home and also they will pick up the car from Cluj and it is out of charge. So overall i highly recommend this company. Keep up the good work Autonome !
Szaby E
Szaby E
a inchiriat in 2022-06-24

Am avut o experienta foarte placuta inca de la prima interactiune cu colaboratorii acestei firme. Profesionisti, m-au ajutat inca de la prima discutie, identificand solutia cea mai buna pentru rezolvarea solicitarilor mele. De asemenea m-au sustinut cu raspunsuri precise si rapide(pentru mine fiind prima experienta cu inchirierea unei masini), dar si mai important am simtit o sustinere morala, ceea ce a fost uimitor, deoarece nu ma asteptam in acest domeniu de activitate. Costurile au fost rezonabile, modalitatea de plata accesibila, masina noua, orele de predare si primire elastice. Multumesc mult lui Paul si Razvan !!! (Translated by Google) I had a very pleasant experience from the first interaction with the employees of this company. Professionals, they helped me from the first discussion, identifying the best solution to solve my requests. They also supported me with precise and quick answers (for me, being the first experience with renting a car), but more importantly I felt a moral support, which was amazing, because I did not expect it in this field of activity. The costs were reasonable, the method of payment accessible, new car, delivery and reception hours flexible. Many thanks to Paul and Razvan!!!
Claudia Matache
Claudia Matache
a inchiriat in 2022-06-18

Great service and attitude from the team: quick processing, free upgrade and drop off at destination after I dropped the car. Definitely great experience!
Daniel Lar
Daniel Lar
a inchiriat in 2022-06-02

Flawless service - picked up our car (on a Sunday morning) in Cluj, which worked well for our trip, and dropped it off at the airport. From airport arrival was already in the security queue ten minutes later. All in perfect English and with a smile. Highly commended!
Phil Chambers
Phil Chambers
a inchiriat in 2022-04-26

O mizerie. Am rezervat un duster 2019 cu o luna jumatate inainte. Mi s-a confirmat telefonic cand am facut facut rezervarea (!) ca voi primi un duster 100%. Ajung la 9 dimineata in vacanta sa ridic masina si mi se spune calm si frumos ca nu au duster, dar ca primesc un renault din aceeasi clasa. Super, nu? In conditiile in care mi s-a confirmat la telefon 100% primirea unui duster de 4 ori anterior datei rezervarii mi se pare pur si simplu neprofesionist. Evident ca domnii, ca orice societate care se respecta, mi-au zis frumos ca nu e vina lor pentru ca in e-mailul de confirmare au scris ca voi primi un duster sau "ceva similar". Din nou, repet, dupa ce mi-au confirmat respectiva masina telefonic de 4 ori, chiar si cu o zi inainte cand am sunat sa reconfirm. Nu neg ca este posibil ca profesionalismul sa fie regula la ei, dar in cazul meu (sper ca exceptia)a fost o mizerie totala. Edit: nu mi s-a oferit un Touareg, ci doar un Kuga. Raportat la raspunsul lor neadevarat la aceasta recenzie pot sa confirm neprofesionalismul cu incredere :) (Translated by Google) A mess. I booked a 2019 duster a month and a half before. It was confirmed to me by phone when I made the reservation (!) That I would receive a 100% duster. I arrive at 9 in the morning on vacation to pick up the car and I am told calmly and nicely that they do not have a duster, but that I receive a renault from the same class. Great, right? Given that I was 100% confirmed on the phone to receive a duster 4 times before the booking date, it seems to me simply unprofessional. Obviously, the gentlemen, like any respectable company, told me nicely that it was not their fault because in the confirmation e-mail they wrote that I would receive a duster or "something similar". Again, I repeat, after they confirmed that car to me by phone 4 times, even the day before when I called to reconfirm. I do not deny that it is possible that professionalism is the rule for them, but in my case (I hope the exception) it was a total mess. Edit: I was not offered a Touareg, only a Kuga. Compared to their untrue answer to this review I can confirm the unprofessionalism with confidence :)
Adrian Zamfir
Adrian Zamfir
a inchiriat in 2022-04-15

Am închiriat de la Autonom! Recomand, sunt profesioniști! (Translated by Google) I rented from Autonom! I recommend, they are professionals!
Lucian Vatca
Lucian Vatca
a inchiriat in 2022-04-05

Promptitudine, Profesionalism & Calitate Multumesc :) (Translated by Google) Promptness, Professionalism & Quality Thank you :)
Laura Fanea
Laura Fanea
a inchiriat in 2022-04-04

Am avut o colaborare excelenta cu baietii de la Autonom in special cu Eduard si cu Adi Popa (Translated by Google) I had an excellent collaboration with the guys from Autonom, especially with Eduard and Adi Popa
Gherman Paul
Gherman Paul
a inchiriat in 2022-03-31

We rented our car at the airport and decided to drop it off in the city. The process was flawless - a representative was with us within minutes of us parking and everything went well :) thanks!
Masha G
Masha G
a inchiriat in 2022-03-13

Am avut o colaborare foarte buna cu cei de la Autonom, echipa din Cluj-Napoca. Recomand (Translated by Google) We had a very good collaboration with Autonom, the team from Cluj-Napoca. recommend
Ralu Popa
Ralu Popa
a inchiriat in 2022-03-11

Extrem de profesioniști, la prețuri imbatabile. (Translated by Google) Extremely professional, at unbeatable prices.
Bogdan Vasile
Bogdan Vasile
a inchiriat in 2022-02-16

Quick pick up, easy drop off, nice & clean car, wonderful staff.
Magical Akrus
Magical Akrus
a inchiriat in 2021-11-01

(Translated by Google) Very quick to give us the car. (Original) Muy rápidos en darnos el coche.
Noelia Illu00e1n
Noelia Illu00e1n
a inchiriat in 2021-10-09

Profesionisti! (Translated by Google) Professionals
Dragos POPA
Dragos POPA
a inchiriat in 2021-04-24

Absolutely recommend the company, staff is very friendly and helpful. I dealt with Alexandru a young and hard working dude. Their prices are better than any other companies, and if you book directly with the company they block £600 instead of £1000. Keep it up, hope to book with your company soon. Thank you
Elod Zsigmond
Elod Zsigmond
a inchiriat in 2020-09-15

Serivicii ireproșabile, capacitate de adaptare la situația și nevoile noastre particulare. Am propria firmă de 10 ani +, știu să disting calitatea unei interacțiuni. Fără ezitare ofer cele 5 stele, și recomand serviciile Autonom. Mulțumesc și succes în continuare! (Translated by Google) Impeccable service, ability to adapt to our particular situation and needs. I have my own company for 10 years +, I know how to distinguish the quality of an interaction. Without hesitation I offer the 5 stars, and I recommend Autonom services. Thanks and continued success!
Andrei Cosmovici
Andrei Cosmovici
a inchiriat in 2020-09-14

Excellent service and would definitely used them next time. The car was exactly as booked and the representatives were friendly and courteous. My preferred car rental company in Romania.
Alex D
Alex D
a inchiriat in 2020-01-28

Great service, great car and friendly staff, responsive and always there to help you. Thx again for your services.
a inchiriat in 2019-12-28

Awesome! Absolutely no problems from beginning to the end. The staff, the service and quality of the vehicle were outstanding. The complimentary upgrade was unexpectedly amazing. No hassle whatsoever or misleading charges, very straightforward and reputable company. Well done, AUTONOM Cluj! Keep up the good work!
Camelia MADEAR
Camelia MADEAR
a inchiriat in 2019-10-23

A few days ago we returned from a full 7 days holiday in Romania (Cluj Napoca), we also read a lot stories about the rental companies and we had a lot of concerns before we decided to rent the car with Autonom We paid a holding deposit of 1000 € that was refunded when we returned the car after 7 days. To our great surprise the service was excellent and after 20 minutes we got the vehicle that served us perfectly for 1480 kilometers we did in Romania. and his fuel consumption was incredible Return car was simple and without problems And I highly recommend working with a Autonom company and special thanks to Andrei.
Yaron Shifman
Yaron Shifman
a inchiriat in 2019-08-04

Autonom Rent a Car ofera servicii de inchiriere masini in Cluj-Napoca

Infiintata in aprilie 2007, agentia de inchirieri masini Cluj-Napoca va ofera spre inchiriere o gama variata de autoturisme noi, la preturi accesibile. De asemenea, beneficiati de livrarea gratuita a autoturismului inchiriat la orice adresa de pe raza municipiului Cluj-Napoca.

Puteti rezerva o masina online, completand formularul de rezervari disponibil pe acest site, sau ii puteti contacta telefonic pe reprezentantii nostri de la agentia de inchirieri masini Autonom Cluj-Napoca. Programul agentiei este Luni-Vineri, între orele 09:00 - 18:00.

Descoperiti Cluj-Napoca

Centru comercial si cultural in vadita dezvoltare, orasul din inima Transilvaniei va intampina cu numeroase obiective turistice atractive. Astfel, va recomandam sa vizitati Catedrala Romano-Catolica "Sfantul Mihail" din centrul orasului, impunator monument de arhitectura gotica, a carui constructie a inceput in 1350 si a durat aproape 200 de ani.

Cum Clujul are multe de aratat, va puteti optimiza timpul apeland la serviciile de inchirieri masini ale Autonom Rent a Car, care va ofera preturi convenabile si servicii peste asteptari. Puteti opta pentru o masina de inchiriat economica, cum ar fi Toyota Aygo, sau puteti inchiria un microbuz Renault Trafic 8+1, pentru a petrece, impreuna cu familia si prietenii, o zi la Gradina Botanica "Alexandru Borza". Aceasta ocupa o suprafata de 14 ha de teren si numara aproximativ 11.000 specii de plante - o adevarata oaza de relaxare, va veti convinge.

Rent a Car Cluj-Napoca in weekend

Ca sa evitati traficul si aglomeratia din oras si sa va deplasati usor si rapid in intregul judet, apelati la serviciile de inchirieri auto la agentiile Autonom din centrul orasului Cluj-Napoca si din aeroportul local. Astfel, puteti conduce 40 de km pana la Cheile Turzii, rezervatie complexa (geologica, floristica, faunistica, arheologica), declarata monument al naturii. De asemenea, merita sa vedeti Geaca, salba de 7 lacuri si rezervatie ornitologica, situata la 3 km nord-est de Mociu, pe soseaua Cluj Napoca - Reghin.

Rent a Car Cluj-Napoca, cu sofer & transfer aeroport

Aveti nevoie de un transfer rapid si in siguranta catre sau de la aeroport, in Cluj Napoca sau in alt oras, dar nu doriti sa conduceti dumneavoastra autoturismul inchiriat? Autonom Rent a Car va pune la dispozitie serviciul de inchirieri autoturisme cu sofer, disponibil din toate aeroporturile importante ale Romaniei, catre orice destinatie nationala.


Autonom Services S.A Cod de identificare fiscala RO18433260 Nr. ord. reg. com J27/280/2006
Activitate principală: Activităţi de închiriere şi leasing cu autoturisme şi autovehicule rutiere uşoare, clasa CAEN 7711
Sediu social: Str. Fermelor Nr. 4, Piatra Neamt Sediu administrativ: Calea Floreasca, Nr. 131-137, Etaj 7, Sector 1, Bucuresti
Certificari: ISO 9001 11186 / 25.09.2017, ISO 140001 5758 / 07.07.2021, ISO 45001 3926 / 07.07.2021, eliberate de SRAC CERT SRL
Autorizatia pentru efectuarea transportului de persoane în regim de închiriere ATPRI 0002822, eliberată de Autoritatea Rutieră Română